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Tending Seeds: Adventures in Gardening, Homesteading, and Herbalism

Dec 12, 2019

Today we're chatting about different methods to employ when putting your garden to bed for a restful winter. We discuss layering compost and mulching, tarping your garden, and employing cover crops. We also touch on the importance of reflection as the final wrap-up of your growing season.


Interested in a custom...

Oct 17, 2019

Today I'm chatting about two topics near and dear to my heart that are often connected to one another: goal setting and imposter syndrome. I discuss my current planning systems, and how an opportunity to pursue a teaching goal really made me question myself - and then how I worked through it to make sure I was...

Sep 19, 2019

Hi, friends. A very short update here on everything going on - like prepping for the fall equinox and getting ready for my elderberry syrup workshop.

And I leave you with a favorite seasonal poem.

Sep 5, 2019

Today we're chatting about the winter prep items that you should start thinking about (and budgeting for) now. Everything from getting your fireplace or wood stove inspected to mulching your fruit trees and even vehicle maintenance. Hopefully this will give you some food for thought, with time to work on it now rather...

Aug 21, 2019

Elderberry syrup is all the rage, but there is so much more to know about this wonderful and versatile plant ally! Today, on our first herbal deep dive episode, we discuss how to correctly identify elder, how and where it grows, culinary and medicinal uses and properties, and even some of the folklore surrounding...